...byf... i mainly talk about CN otome games, talk trash to my favs, not spoiler/leak free, tl>dms, sb to unf, ifb selectively, won't fb Love and Deepspace player (current moots r ok)

...dfi... basic dnfi criteria, under 17yo, talk bad about my oshis, hate yume, zionist, 02 supporters

...notes... mostly talk in ID but archiving my game stash in EN, I don't always reply as I don't have much energy to interact with people.

...<333... sariel is my comfort character (so do not talk to me about Sariel unless we're close enough, current moots are OK).

This acc is for me simply to simp my favs, games, bad luck gacha, the agonizing main story plots then sometimes compiling them later as a twt threads.
...About LN...
I do some gatekeep to Light & Night for several things because I learned from the past from other cn otoges (and some toxic sjw) and it did makes me uncomfortable.So if you think it as negative way, then it's your choice. But I do simp and talk about L&N to my moots so if it's solely for simping, I welcome that.
...About Love and Deepspace...
Circulating around INA LaDS Roleplayers discourses and it sucks seeing it everytime on my TL, i've decided not to engage to anyone who PLAYS the game any longer.
So for new mutuals who read this (and decided to follow me) plays LaDS, I won't follow back. No hard feelings. My TL are just gonna be full of LADS BULLSHITTS and so I decided to do that in order to make my acc comfy. If LaDS is not your main game, I'll see if we have the same interest.

sariel's misc gallery